Longpath.Visions curates and incubates narratives of individuals and humanity as a whole becoming great ancestors.
Narratives are the stories humans use to understand ourselves and our world. These stories shape our mindsets and behaviors by suggesting what is possible and what is preferred. Stories help us to see new possibilities of purpose and their part in it.
Our team curates and incubates narratives that build transgenerational empathy, support futures thinking, and imagine all people flourishing. We use participatory methods to co-create and distribute these narratives for a variety of settings and audiences including media, faith groups, K-12 education, policy, and politics.
The Longpath x CityLab Roundtable encouraged new narratives on the Far Futures of Cities driven by empathy, agency, and the vision of all people flourishing.
It is often said that “the future is urban.” But what should those urban futures look like? And what can we do to be great ancestors to future generations of people living in our cities?
Longpath and CityLab are facilitating a conversation with leading urban thinkers, practitioners, philanthropists, and mayors on their visions for the futures of cities. We are proud to share our findings in a joint report, which explores the rich narratives and trends shaping U.S. cities over the next 100 years. Beyond a singular focus on the rise of the “Smart City” and self-driving cars, Longpath and CityLab’s report surfaces the many other forces shaping the city of tomorrow: new ways of using space, new ways of building communities, and new mindsets.
The Longpath x VICE’s Broadly Roundtable invited leading voices in the feminist movement to share their visions on the Far Futures of the Feminist Movement.
Working with VICE’s Broadly, our team invited leaders such as Roxane Gay, bell hooks, King Princess, Jill Soloway, and Maggie Nelson to describe what a feminist future might look like. The powerful acts of imagining a vision of the future and sharing that vision is part of creating a future where all people flourish. Our visions, and the actions we take in pursuit of them, help us to become great ancestors.